rusty enough said surfboard
rusty enough said surfboard
rusty enough said surfboard

Enough Said


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There is a 4-6 week manufacturing time on this board.
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The Rusty Enough Said was first developed with Josh Kerr over ten years ago. It was, and still is, a very popular design that goes well in chest high to overhead surf. The Enough Said has been designed to have a fairly tight, smooth, turning radius and reacts quickly in the pocket when you need it most due, to the extra bit of tail curve and the thumb tail.

The Rusty Enough Said features:

  • a fairly relaxed nose rocker
  • heavy single concave in the back half of the board.
  • The tail rocker is slightly lower to accommodate the heavy concave.
  • There is slightly less volume under the chest to minimize the swing weight.

Although the Rusty Enough Said is over ten years old, it’s still a very valid high-performance shortboard design by today's standards.

If you are chasing more of a small wave board, suited for everyday sessions at your local, then you may want to take a look at the Rusty Miso which is perfect for small to medium-sized surf.